What we've learned...
"What we’ve learned is this: God does not respond to what we do; we respond to what God does" (Rom. 3:27b).
Good morning, Lord. Thank you for the apostle Paul. His writings are always challenging. You really did a great thing with him, Lord. It is always good to be reminded of our place in your plan for history. Thank you also for the conversation that you led me to have with S. last night. It was good to confess to him what I had done to him. It was also wonderful to hear his forgiveness for me. He behaved to me as you do so often--forgiving me. Thank you also for D. & D., and for the talks we could have. Help us to keep being honest with each other, Lord.
Thank you, Lord, for leading me in prayer for the people in our small groups of various descriptions. It was a rich time of blessing for me. Please help me to consistently pray for everyone--I know that without you, I won't do it. Thank you for the friends you have given us. Thank you also for the fact that you have been merciful in not giving us too many enemies--just Satan and ourselves (but they are enough!). Please help me to follow you today, and not myself.
Please be with everyone I know who is heading back to school. Thank you so much for school--for the opportunity to learn more about you and your creation.
Thank you again for Gwyneth and Kieren and Aaron. Thank you that some of our friends can come over tonight to celebrate Gwyneth's birthday.
Thank you for the process that you are having me go through with ordination in the CRC. I'm frustrated with it, but I submit the process to you, and I thank you for it too.
I love you, Lord.