Monday, August 28, 2006

Good Morning

Good morning, Lord! It's 5:47 a.m. and I'm up. It sounds nutty, God, but I feel good about it. I'm glad that I can show my love for you in this way. Aaron is awake, but Gwyneth and I are ignoring him for now and doing our devotions instead.

I love you. You have done so much for us. Thank you for the jobs that you have given us at Living Hope and at Rhema. Thank you for the daycare person that you have given us. Thanks for our kids. Thanks for the Bible, the written word, the true story of your Word, Jesus. Thank you for helping us to get things done so that we can participate in your Kingdom mission here on earth. Thank you for the friends and family that you have given us and the faithfulness that you have given them. Thank you that my sister is delving into your scriptures so deeply. Please continue to bless her searching so that she may continue to serve you more deeply every day. Thank you for the financial lady that was here the other day and that you, through her company, have, once again, taken care of our financial needs. Thank you for Gwyneth! Thank you that her birthday is coming up. Help me to celebrate with her in a good way.

Thank you for all that you have done already through the night to prepare this day for all that you have in mind for it. Lord, please give me strength to do your will throghout today, and not my own. Please help me to focus on what is important and leave behind what is not. Please help me to live out Hebrews 13:9 today, "Don’t be lured away from him by the latest speculations about him. The grace of Christ is the only good ground for life. Products named after Christ don’t seem to do much for those who buy them."

You are awesome, Lord. I love you. Be near me today please. Have mercy on our family.


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